Year: 2011

Happiness 101

Happiness 101

Americans tend to grab at superficial quick fixes to subdue any negative feelings that overcome us. Ironically, they leave us poorer.

Spring Cleaning, II

Spring Cleaning, II

When we are under stress the body sends out the epinephrine and cortisol army, what are known as stress hormones. Stress relieving techniques such as meditation, peaceful walks, or gardening can help lower mental fatigue by increasing the happy hormones of oxytocin and dopamine. 

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Traditionally spring is a time for cleaning house, but did you know it’s also a great time for internally cleansing? Eliminating white flour, white sugar, dairy, meat and salt for one month is a terrific way to detox the bowels.

Four Noble Truths

Four Noble Truths

The key to lessoning the impact of hard, difficult moments in life is to watch our reaction. In Buddhism, suffering is likened to an arrow. The first arrow is painful. Normal. Our fighting against the pain is like a second arrow being shot. Except this time, we are the one’s doing the aiming.

Find Your Theme Song

Find Your Theme Song

Try this simple strategy and your relationship with yourself will change. When the thoughts in your head grow less judgmental and more accepting, you’ll find that the world opens up for you. Take this small step to reconnect to the amazing soul that you are.

Wisdom of Maya Angelou

Wisdom of Maya Angelou

People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn. I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.