
What is Yin Yoga?

What is Yin Yoga?

Yin yoga was born from Taoist philosophy. The postures are more passive, occur mainly on the floor and are held for longer periods of time. It’s unique in that you let gravity do the work. There is no efforting. We surrender and release.

How to Become a Spiritual Master in a Day

How to Become a Spiritual Master in a Day

Your mind is likely thinking, “Wait a minute. What’s the catch?” The only one is that you have to do it. Thinking about helping that elderly person cross the street doesn’t cut it. You have to do it.

Mindful Awareness

Mindful Awareness

When we regularly cultivate inner grounding, we set ourselves up for greater resiliency. One of the best ways to do this is through ritual. The key to success is simplicity and repetition. Have a variety of ways to slow down and then pick one to practice. It could be something you already do each day. The change is in the intention.



This seemingly intangible quality of authenticity, then, has very tangible outcomes. Authentic people feel better, are more resilient, and less likely to turn to self-destructive habits for comfort. They tend to be purposeful in their choices and more likely to follow through on their goals.

Tea Ritual

Tea Ritual

Every morning, I spend a few minutes sitting quietly with a cup of tea. For the last ten years or so, I’ve spent it staring through the large picture window that faces my garden.

Worry: Friend or Foe?

Worry: Friend or Foe?

Worry is a superhero, capable of leaping out of the present in a single bound. Its hidden power is the ability to travel through time in a split second. But at the end of the day, turns out worry is just a pint of ice-cream…

Mirror of Humanity

Mirror of Humanity

Our humanity is the most unpredictable and frightening aspect of our existence. Collectively and individually human beings are capable of a startling array of behaviors, from the most loving and altruistic to the most cruel and destructive. While the behaviors of others scare us, the…

The Importance of Practice

The Importance of Practice

Mindfulness changes the way we respond to things by strengthening the prefrontal cortex. Different types of practices activate our thinking centers in different ways, similar to muscle use with exercise. No matter the course, all forms of mindfulness practice strengthen the attentional circuits and reduce fight-or-flight responses.

How to Exercise Your Mindfulness Muscle

How to Exercise Your Mindfulness Muscle

Few of us have been taught how to sit with our thoughts and feelings. As a result we are vulnerable to getting hooked and triggered. Awareness, attention and curiosity allow us to take control of our thinking and respond by choice instead of reactive habit.…

Multiple Me’s

Multiple Me’s

Much of life is spent trying to manage our self-images. Closely related to our self-images are our identities – how we define ourselves according to the roles we play. Both our self-images and our identities become part of the stories we spin about ourselves.