Reach for the Win
As we age, we think we need to slow down. Or, worse, we see it as the prize. That thought couldn’t be further from the truth. If you don’t move through your range of motion, you will lose it.
Strength, Grace & Mobility
As we age, we think we need to slow down. Or, worse, we see it as the prize. That thought couldn’t be further from the truth. If you don’t move through your range of motion, you will lose it.
The ability to repair – be it your body or relationship – is a life skill. We’re not taught this. We’re a fast-paced culture that doesn’t encourage slowing down, but that’s exactly what healing demands.
We all know exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle, but neurologist and physiotherapist are discovering movement is medicine. The key difference in this “discovery” is that instead of a vaguely encouraging people to exercise, we now know how to move to address chronic pain. In other words, how we move matters!
Immobility is a silent killer and one of the most damaging lifestyle choices we can make. Being sedentary slows down circulation, causing the arteries to start collecting deposits. Our lymphatic system doesn’t get flushed out and our cells become less sensitive to insulin. We get…
There are more ways to rest than sleep alone, but our chronically “on” and high-achieving lifestyle would have us believe otherwise. For optimal health and wellness, we want to embrace ALL the ways we can rest our mind, body and soul. The first type of…
These are unprecedented times in which movement is no longer required. We hop in the car to go to store. A swipe on our phone gets dinner delivered to our door. Conceivably, we can never leave our home and get by.
When our daily life is inundated with run-of-the-mill stress, little things can ignite us. A small burn while cooking dinner can become a stick of emotional dynamite. This in turn, can spark flare-ups of chronic pain, autoimmune or digestive disorders. During times of stress, it’s critical we find a balance of work and play.
Stress is your body’s reaction to a trigger. It’s generally a short-term experience that can be either positive or negative. It can be positive, such as when you pull off a deadline. But when stress results in insomnia, poor concentration, and impaired ability, it’s negatively impacting your quality of life.
This life force is known by many names. The yogis call it prana and activate it through breath and postures. Acupuncturist call it qi and balance its movement through a network of pathways.
The body conserves energy on an ongoing basis. Habits start out as intentional actions that are practiced enough times that they become automatic. Habituated actions consume very little energy. Whereas consciousness is consumes an extraordinary amount of energy. In other words, it’s metabolically expensive.