What is Essentrics?

What is Essentrics?

Essentrics® incorporates the strengthening of ballet, the flow of Tai Chi and the science of physical therapy. An Essentrics workout helps tone and shape, as well as improve flexibility and relieve tension.

The movements are large, slow and fluid. We need to move our joints daily through their full range of motion in order to loosen tissues and liberate joints. It’s the classic “use or lose it” scenario.

Just as we let our teeth know we want them by brushing, we let our body know we want to age with strength and grace by moving all 650 muscles and 360 joints daily.

Loss of mobility is not an inevitability. It’s a message to rebalance the body. Human beings are designed to move. When we don’t, our bodies get stiff. Essentrics is the movement manual on how to heal, reclaim and maintain our strength and full range of motion.

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