As a child, you were pure, wide-eyed and open to the world. Slowly, over time, you internalized both the positive and negative voices around you. As we get older, the negative voices echo the loudest. So your first step is to reconnect with the kid in you who felt confident early on.
To do this, find a photo of yourself when you were young, preferably before the age of five. Stare at it, paying special attention to your eyes, your hands and your face. Notice the sweetness, the innocence. As you look at the picture, try to connect with love, kindness and reverence for that little being so present to life.
Keep this photo in view and take a moment every day to access your positive feelings about it. Before you know it, you’ll naturally start to soften that inner voice. When you catch yourself speaking harshly to yourself, conjure up that childhood image. Rephrase the harsh thought as you would speaking to that precious child. Notice how it softens your heart.