Postponing what you deeply want to do is a subtle form of avoidance. What if what I want is a fantasy? What if I lack creative discipline? What if I don’t know my heart’s desire?
There will never be a perfect time. Now is all we have. So spend an hour a day doing what you love to do. Don’t wait until your finances are in order, you lose the weight or cross the last task off the “To-Do” list.
Make time to pursue your interests to the fullest so that you can go to bed knowing you could not have lived your day with more courage, creativity or candor.
Seneca wrote: “There exists no more difficult art form than living.” I totally agree! Every person’s life is a work of art and every moment waiting for it to begin is a precious moment wasted.
You are the artists and architect, builder and dreamer. Go out there and make something beautiful!