The Quiet Killer

The Quiet Killer

Sugar is the devil in disguise. Think I’m kidding? Stop what you’re doing and “Google” the harmful effects of sugar. About 20,600,000 results will come up in 0.38 seconds. Click on any one of them and you’ll see a list a mood disorders, degenerative disease, chronic inflammation and metabolic syndrome.

If you don’t suffer from any of these or know anyone who does, then how about premature aging, macular degeneration, indigestion, tooth decay, varicose veins or eczema? Though this list is far from complete, you still you get the picture.

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Now here’s the part you may not know. Grains, carbohydrates and sugar create a three-alarm fire in the body. Yep, even “healthy whole grains.”

The problem is that the body doesn’t distinguish cane sugar from grain sugar. Let’s not forgot, the brain is part of the body. But unlike the body, it doesn’t send out warning signals of inflammation. It suffers in deadly silence.

One of the ways grains and carbs set fire to the brain is through surges in blood sugar. When your blood sugar increases, there is an immediate depletion of neurotransmitters like serotonin, epinephrine and dopamine; while B-complex vitamins and magnesium plummet.

Think depression, chronic fatigue and uncontrollable cravings.

It also triggers glycation, the biological equivalent of enmeshment where glucose, proteins and fats become entangled in an inflexible union. Tragically, it’s the brain that falls victim most to the unsuspecting ravages of glycation. In fact, the link between sugar and Alzheimer’s is so strong it’s now referred to as type III diabetes.

See what I mean? Sugar is a drug in the disguise of doughnut. In later posts, I’ll address why quitting the white stuff is so hard and why “just saying no” is not enough.

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