Tag: chronic pain

Healing Pain

Healing Pain

We all know exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle, but neurologist and physiotherapist are discovering movement is medicine. The key difference in this “discovery” is that instead of a vaguely encouraging people to exercise, we now know how to move to address chronic pain. In other words, how we move matters!

Sitting Is the New Smoking

Sitting Is the New Smoking

Immobility is a silent killer and one of the most damaging lifestyle choices we can make. Being sedentary slows down circulation, causing the arteries to start collecting deposits. Our lymphatic system doesn’t get flushed out and our cells become less sensitive to insulin. We get…

Pain Pathways

Pain Pathways

Pain is individually experienced based on your unique state in the specific moment. Regardless of your disposition, all pain is experienced through the nervous system. In the case of chronic pain, messages can get stuck in a rut replaying endlessly in a “pain loop.”