Tag: yoga therapy

Seeds of Change: Yoga Niyamas

Seeds of Change: Yoga Niyamas

A long time ago a wise, old yogi named Patanjali wrote a text called the Yoga Sutras. The sutras outlined eight different ways to live in alignment with our highest nature. Like a gentle guiding hand, the Yoga Sutras warn you of the inevitable pitfalls on this journey called life. According to Yoga, we suffer because we are blind to our true Self.



Ishvara pranidhana, or surrender, presupposes that we are part of something larger – call it God, spiritual energy, or life. It is believed this force is greater than us and wants us to thrive. If you think of this “energy” as nature, it’s easy to…



Self-study, or svadhyana, is about knowing our true identity. It requires us to look at what’s happening inside. The world and others reflect back to us what we are seeing, not what is actually there. In other words, people and events don’t disappoint us, our…



The discipline of Tapas molds us into someone of great depth and profoundness. Can we stand the heat of being dismantled and changed forever? Can we prepare ourselves daily through our practice, our staying power, and our choices? Our choices will decide.



Westerners are always on the move. We’re often on the lookout for the next thing. When we’re small, we can’t wait to be big. When we’re at work, we can’t wait for vacation. Our minds are usually anywhere but the present moment. We consume, covet and control continually and it’s draining us, which only perpetuates the cycle of seeking THE thing to bring us joy.

Why Do Yin Yoga?

Why Do Yin Yoga?

Yin is an introspective practice that allows us to turn inward and nurture the calm, quiet center within. It is a practice in stillness, patience, and non-reactivity – all of which are highly transferable life skills. Please read on to learn more about the benefits of developing a yin yoga practice.



Purification brings about brightness and clarity by reminding us to remove what no longer serves us. As we clear our lives of distractions and toxins, more of our senses are available to meet each moment with integrity and freshness.



Aparigraha, or nonattachment, brings us to the end of the Yamas portion of Patanjali’s Yamas and Niyamas. It invites us to enjoy life to the fullest while simultaneously being able to drop everything. This requires trust. Like a trapeze artist, who must let go fully…



Whether we find ourselves overdoing it with food, work, exercise or any other preferred distraction of choice, brahmacharya or nonexcess, invites us to remember the sacredness of all life. This guideline is a call to leave greed and excess behind and walk in this world with appreciation and gratitude



Asteya, or nonstealing, calls us to live with integrity. The creative ways in which we steal are without limit. We steal from the future every time we compromise the present. We steal from the planet, others, and ourselves. We even steal from our own chance…