To Be of Service
The roots of giving is the awakened heart. If we remain open to the unknown and are willing to decline the seductive call to withdraw, we are free to follow the natural urge to give in even the smallest and most underwhelming ways.
Strength, Grace & Mobility
Here you will learn about the power of play, the magic of gratitude and how Positive Psychology has transformed how we view health. Who doesn’t want more joy in our lives? Well, here is how to get it.
The roots of giving is the awakened heart. If we remain open to the unknown and are willing to decline the seductive call to withdraw, we are free to follow the natural urge to give in even the smallest and most underwhelming ways.
Self-motivated activities like yoga, gardening, bird watching, photography, etc. are driven from within. You want the locus of control to be in your hands, where it belongs, not at the mercy of others. It can involve others and is often more fun, but it needs to be something that already makes your heart sing. But if all your activities involve others, go back and change a few.
Want to know a secret short cut to creating more joy in your life? Be a light in another’s life. Compliment and give thanks as often as you can. Reflect back the beauty, strength, creativity and wisdom you see in others. Be specific. “You look amazing in that dress and it’s all in the way you own it!” A snap of the fingers is optional, though highly recommended.
Think of this system as a presidential election. If you change the number of votes in a few key states by a tiny percentage of points, you can dramatically change the course of the county. The same is true for the brain.
While there are many important elements involved in the limbic system, for the sake of simplicity, we’re going to focus on four key players: the hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus and the cingulated cortex.
Much of life is spent trying to manage our self-images. Closely related to our self-images are our identities – how we define ourselves according to the roles we play. Both our self-images and our identities become part of the stories we spin about ourselves.
Stand strong. Surround yourself with people who accept you fiercely while compassionately challenging your edge. Likewise, be a person who honors fear while lovingly encouraging beyond it.
It’s easy to lose sight of the importance of unstructured time as adults. Kids are masters at this. Understanding how we played as children, what we liked and didn’t like, is a key component toward bringing back play into our adult lives. Childhood play tells…
What is play? A classic definition is to engage in recreation or amusement that relaxes or refreshes the body and mind. With one small caveat, it must come from the heart. We need play because life is serious. It helps create balance and is different…
Brené Brown consistently delivers whole-hearted, thought-provoking material that helps women in their journey of personal growth and self-acceptance. Here she interviews Oprah Winfrey in classic researcher style, asking pointed questions on tender subjects.