Want More Energy?
Every cell requires a source of energy to power its life. This energy “power plant” is called mitochondria. Most cells have only a few, whereas the muscles house 95% of the body’s mitochondria.
Strength, Grace & Mobility
Every cell requires a source of energy to power its life. This energy “power plant” is called mitochondria. Most cells have only a few, whereas the muscles house 95% of the body’s mitochondria.
We need our connective tissue to remain slippery. Thankfully, we just need a bit of gentle exercise to get the fascia moving. Thirty minutes a day is enough to move throughout the rest of the day with ease and grace.
The body was designed to move on a daily basis, but we live in such a way that we can literally never leave our desk and have anything we want delivered to our front door. The only thing we can’t buy online is movement. This one is on us.
We all know exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle, but neurologist and physiotherapist are discovering movement is medicine. The key difference in this “discovery” is that instead of a vaguely encouraging people to exercise, we now know how to move to address chronic pain. In other words, how we move matters!
Immobility is a silent killer and one of the most damaging lifestyle choices we can make. Being sedentary slows down circulation, causing the arteries to start collecting deposits. Our lymphatic system doesn’t get flushed out and our cells become less sensitive to insulin. We get…
Our bodies were designed to move every day. This becomes critical as we age. As the saying goes, “move it or lose it.” Thankfully to stay flexible and strong, all we need is 30 minutes a day of gentle, full-body movement
Pain is individually experienced based on your unique state in the specific moment. Regardless of your disposition, all pain is experienced through the nervous system. In the case of chronic pain, messages can get stuck in a rut replaying endlessly in a “pain loop.”
Whether you are a 40-something working parent looking for a home-based workout, a 50-something executive who needs to relieve stress, or a 60-something looking for new ways to stay fit and vital, gentle fluid movement is your ticket to feeling and looking stronger, healthier and happier for years to come.
There are more ways to rest than sleep alone, but our chronically “on” and high-achieving lifestyle would have us believe otherwise. For optimal health and wellness, we want to embrace ALL the ways we can rest our mind, body and soul. The first type of…
Johann Hari’s book “Stolen Focus” is a must-read for parents, educators and anyone else who cares about the future. Our ability to be present is slipping away and it may not be what you’d expect.